For when you need a bigger boat

Posted by Hankin Chick on
For when you need a bigger boat

Boat ownership can be the greatest thing in the world or a complete nightmare. For many, it is a purchase that feels like it has gone to waste. You invest in a boat and promise that you’ll use it ever so much, only to use it a few weekends a year. For others, you could share a boat. EFTM recently spent the day with Boating Syndication Australia (BSA) to learn about boat shares and how this model works.

Essentially, BSA acquire a range of different sized boats, from a 14m Riviera M430 worth $290,000 all the way up to the 26m Long Reef worth $2.6 million dollars. Since not many people can A) Afford a boat such as this alone and B) Not make enough use out of it to justify the costs, BSA put the vessels into a syndicate for ownership.


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